If you'd like your guests not to be bored silly while waiting around to watch you and your husband to mash cake in one another's faces, something nice might be to have a page listing fun things to do around town. And oh joy! You can use sizes and colors to make things stand out!
And speaking of adjusting colors, I'll tell you how to change the text within your post to ANY colors you'd like, not just the 25 or so choices Blogger gives you in that little in-post pop up menu. So you can have a perfect match, not just a close one.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras interdum, eros et congue accumsan, est lacus tristique ligula, vel fringilla risus nisi at dolor. Nunc nisl. Donec sem. Praesent tincidunt, nunc quis mollis aliquam, nisi arcu feugiat ante, ac aliquam lectus est eget nisi. Suspendisse in lectus. Sed pharetra. Donec eget felis vel risus malesuada ultrices.